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stones balancing on a scale
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To most outsiders, the world of energy efficiency probably appears static with slow, incremental changes. A furnace rebate here, light bulb swap-out there, maybe an updated building energy code every few years.
attendees at the 2017 Midwest Building Energy Codes Conference
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Building efficiency experts from around the Midwest convened in Ann Arbor, MI on November 15-16 for the 8th Annual Midwest Building Energy Codes Conference.
family using a tablet at home
Gregory Ehrendreich |
The average Midwesterner pays 65% more for electricity than they did at the turn of the millennium. Saving energy is a key way to help lower customer bills even with rising rates.
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In September, the U.S.
industrial facility
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Industrial energy efficiency is losing ground in the Midwest.
chicago skyline
Alison Lindburg |
Improving energy performance in buildings is a key strategy for the City of Chicago, which has committed to upholding the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. This includes a 26-28% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025; the city is currently 40% of the way to meeting that goal.
julia friedman headshot
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Earlier this month, Midwest Energy News released its annual 40 Under 40, which “highlights emerging leaders through the region and their work in America’s transition to a clean energy economy.” Included in this auspicious list
workers caulking spaces around windows
Molly Graham |
October 16-20 is “Careers in Energy Week” for the state of Illinois.
funeral mourner laying flowers on a casket
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Dearly Beloved,
food processing facility in oregon
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Big Benefits... At a recent conference in Milwaukee hosted by M-WERC, the opportunities for reducing energy consumption at small- and medium-sized manufacturing facilities were touted repeatedly: Cost savings, productivity increases, improved worker safety and plant conditions, ext