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MEEA members in a conference room at the Louisville Marriott
Staff |
On June 20-21, MEEA members from across the country united for the Annual Meeting of the Membership in Louisville, KY. Fueled by hot browns and watermelon salad, MEEA members swapped ideas, strengthened relationships and looked ahead at the coming year in energy efficiency.
External view of the iowa state capital in front of a blue sky
Staff |
On May 4, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed Senate File 2311(SF 2311) into law, which will make significant changes to the way utilities drive customer energy savings programs within the state.
A blue and grey two story house with warm light inside
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The case for residential energy efficiency often turns on two benefits: saving on energy bills or saving the world.
workshop attendees chat seated around a circular table
Staff |
This year's Midwest Energy Solutions Conference (MES) incorporated interactive workshops into its agenda for the first time ever, and one of the three workshops focused on Net Zero Energy (NZE) in the Midwest.
Basketball court background with "IHP all stars" written at center court
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Author’s note: this article is best enjoyed with musical accompaniment.
Interior of the Iowa state legislature - desks and dark wood with a gilded ceiling
Staff |
Last week the Iowa House Commerce Committee passed Senate File 2311, a bill that will significantly alter the way utilities drive customer energy savings programs in Iowa.
3 attendees chatting during the 2017 MES conference
Staff |
Last year, I entered the Hilton Chicago to embark on my very first Midwest Energy Solutions Conference. Being new to the MEEA staff, I gleaned a lot of good advice from colleagues, but there was nothing like experiencing the conference full-on for the first time.
wisconsin state capitol
Staff |
Energy efficiency investments and their resulting energy savings drive financial benefits throughout the Midwest region.
a laptop, smartphone and tablet are all connected to a lock icon
Staff |
The number of connected devices globally will reach 50 billion by 2020. But a central question remains unanswered: Who will ensure that these devices provide maximum social benefit with minimal consequence?
doctor checking a child's heartbeat with stethescope
Molly Graham |
As the effort to improve building efficiency continues, the effects these changes have on indoor air quality can easily be forgotten.