Metropolitan Community College Energy Code Course

Foundations for Residential and Commercial Energy Code Compliance in Nebraska

Course Overview

This online course will provide students with an overview of key requirements in Nebraska’s commercial and residential energy code, the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Students will learn about common code compliance challenges, understand construction best practices and gain insight into the building science behind the energy code. In addition, this course will include an in-depth, interactive walk through of the compliance software REScheck and COMcheck. The course will be taught by builder and former code official Matt Belcher, who has decades of experience in construction and working with the energy code in the Midwest.

The course is slated to run early 2024.

Continuing Education Units

Participants in this course are eligible to receive continuing education credits from the International Code Council (ICC) and American Institute for Architects (AIA) for each of the 4 sessions. Course information will be distributed to attendees following each session.

Register Here

Past Courses:

Commercial Energy Code 8-Week Course

View course syllabus.

January 10: Introduction and History of Energy Codes - Slides - Recording

January 17: Commercial Energy Code Basics - Slides - Recording

January 24: Building Science - Slides - Recording

January 31: Mechanical Systems (Guest Lecturer Thomas Yarbrough) - Slides - Recording

February 7: IECC vs. ASHRAE - Slides - Recording

February 14: Electrical: Lighting and Power Systems (Guest Lecturer Thomas Yarbrough) - Slides - Recording

February 21: Comcheck Overview and Advanced Energy Technologies - Slides - Recording

February 28: Business Benefits, Marketing, Course Review and Final Exam - Slides - Recording




Residential Energy Code 8-Week Course

View course syllabus.

January 26 - Introduction and History of Energy Codes - Slides - Recording
February 2 - Building Science Part 1: Moisture Management - Slides - Recording
February 9 - Building Science Part 2: Integrated Design and Practical Applications - Slides - Recording 
February 16 - Residential Energy Codes Basics - Slides - Recording 
February 23 - Mechanical Systems - Slides - Recording 
March 2 - Best Practices and Non-Code Standards - Slides - Recording 
March 9 - Advanced Energy Components & Technologies -Slides - Recording 
March 16 - Energy Code Benefits, Economics and Marketing - Slides - Recording

Residential Energy Code Resources

Course Contact Information

John Gossman, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance,