Industrial Training

In the Midwest, the industrial sector accounts for 35% of all electric and 33% of natural gas usage. With such a high impact, opportunities for energy savings abound. However, given the wide range of equipment, systems, processes, and facilities involved, traditional approaches to energy efficiency programs may not always unlock all of the savings potential for industrial buildings.

As each plant or production line is different and each business knows its processes and products best, developing internal energy management expertise is critical to understanding and reducing energy use. For this reason, energy management training is becoming a popular solution for manufacturers, industrial facility operators and utility program administrators. One such training is the Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (CPEnMS) program.

Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems


The Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems training provides energy professionals with the ability to lead an industrial organization through the development and maintenance of an energy management system, meeting ISO 50001 requirements and prepare for Superior Energy Performance (SEP) certification.

Why become CPEnMS certified?

  • Enhance your job skills and competitiveness – Gain an ANSI-accredited emerging credential in the energy efficiency marketplace.
  • Help organizations meet ISO 50001 requirements – Build the foundation needed for organizations to develop a Superior Energy Performance plan.
  • Save energy and money through an effective energy management plan – Prepare organizations for future success in the energy marketplace.
  • Join a professional certification directory – Interested companies can search for CPEnMS- certified professionals through the U.S. Department of Energy.

MEEA partners with the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Institute for Energy Management Professionals (IENMP) to host at least one training per year.

Learn more about CPEnMS here.