MEEA in the News

Minnesota once again leads the Midwest in annual energy efficiency ranking

By Frank Jossi, Midwest Energy News

Minnesota is the only Midwest state ranked in the top 10 of the annual American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.

The state’s ninth place standing, announced this week, topped Michigan and Illinois (tied for 11th); Iowa (19th); Wisconsin (24th); Ohio (31st) and Indiana (40th). South Dakota and North Dakota rounded out the bottom.

Op-Ed: Cleveland energy-efficiency jobs are clean-energy jobs

CLEVELAND -- When you read the recent headlines about the nearly 600,000 people working in clean-energy jobs across the Midwest, you probably pictured solar panels and wind turbines.

But the vast majority of those jobs - including more than 81,000 jobs in Ohio alone - are in energy efficiency, forming a largely invisible but powerful workforce that helps keep energy costs low and productivity high.

Women in Building Performance: Jamie Peters

Jamie Peters is the Director of Client Solutions at EnergySavvy, a software company that aims to transform the way utilities interact with and serve their customers. Peters brings seven years of energy efficiency program experience to EnergySavvy, including launching Illinois’ first statewide Home Performance with Energy Star program, managing large-scale prescriptive and direct install utility programs, and developing tools and training for residential contractors. 

Women in Building Performance: Darlene Jackson

Darlene Jackson is a program associate on the Residential team at the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA). In this role, she provides support in the coordination and implementation of HVAC SAVE and Illinois Home Performance. Before MEEA, she worked as a Policy Analyst for Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity through the graduate public service internship program. 

Companies Decry Trump Plan to Eliminate Energy Star Program

More than 1,000 U.S. companies, including some of the nation's largest manufacturers, are urging Congress to preserve the 25-year-old Energy Star program to promote efficiency in home and business products.

President Donald Trump's proposed budget would eliminate funding for Energy Star, which encourages efficiency in major appliances, office equipment, lighting and home electronics.

Commentary: Efficiency is a pro-jobs, pro-environment energy solution

By Stacey Paradis, MEEA Executive Director

The presidential “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth” executive order signed on Tuesday was positioned as a way for the federal government to not be forced to choose between environmental protection and economic development. On Sunday, U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt prefaced the order’s release, saying the order and the policies it promotes would be “pro-jobs and pro-environment.”

ENERGY STAR is Good for Business

Each year, U.S. businesses and consumers spend $450 billion on powering our buildings, with up to 30 percent of that energy and money wasted on inefficiency. In some cities, the poorest performing buildings can consume up to seven times the energy of the highest performing buildings for the exact same use. As a result, improving building energy use should be top of mind for businesses and real estate pros across the country. In many cases, however, it is shocking how little is known about these structures. The U.S.

Clean energy is now as big as pharmaceutical manufacturing in the US

Across the world, myriad efforts are underway to make energy systems cleaner, smarter, and more efficient. But it’s hard to get a sense of the total size of those efforts, as they are spread across so many different industries and regions. One organization that has given this quite a bit of thought is Advanced Energy Economy(AEE), a national trade association of businesses working on cleaner and smarter energy.

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