Illinois DEA Case Study


The Distributional Equity Analysis (DEA) Case Study project will demonstrate the use of a decision framework for assessing the distributional equity impacts of electric and gas resource investment decisions on disadvantaged communities, and to inform decision making going forward. The Case Study project will take place in Illinois throughout 2024 and the first half of 2025.

Join the DEA Work Group

If you are an interested Illinois stakeholder and would like to join the DEA Case Study Work Group, please email Greg Ehrendreich to be added to the disribution list for meeting materials and future invitations. Meetings are open to all participants.

Community Participation Compensation

We recognize that making impactful changes to the DER landscape requires a fair request of time, energy, and input from communities and stakeholders that have suffered disproportionately from prior or existing legislative or regulatory practices. To that end, MEEA has allocated funds to compensate eligible community members and stakeholders for their participation in the DEA Work Group. 

In order to receive compensation, please download and complete the provided Compensation Agreement Form and submit with the required additional documentation.

Meeting Schedule

Meeting 1: Introduction to process and relevant policies

Meeting 2: Proposed Case Studies & DEA Context

Meeting 3: Priority Populations and Analysis

Meeting 4: DEA Metrics and Analysis

Meeting 5: DEA Results - Part I

  • December 13, 2024 | 9:00-11:00 AM Central Time
    • Focus on Ameren Illinois Beneficial Electrification Case Study

Meeting 6: DEA Results - Part II

  • Q1 2025 | TBD Central Time
    • Focus on ComEd Energy Efficiency Case Study

Meeting 7: Review Final Results & Draft Report

  • Q2 2025 | TBD Central Time

Meeting 8: Final Report & Decision-Making

  • Q2 2025 | TBD Central Time